Rules & Regulations


The club’s regulations chiefly cover activities relating to fishing and what can/can’t be allowed on the banks. NOTE – Please be aware of a number of amendments/additions have been made since the last printed version in 2021 and are summarised in Section 13

The rules below this define the constitution, liabilities and running of the club

It is a requirement of membership that all acquaint themselves with the rules and regulations BEFORE fishing. (see 2.1)


  1. Status

1.1 These regulations have been set by the Committee under the authority contained in The Rules. Regulations may be introduced, amended and rescinded by the Committee at any time if the Committee feels it to be necessary in the interest of the Association or the good management of its waters.

  1. Compliance and enforcement

2.1 Members and their guests are required to comply with the Rules of the Association and with these Regulations. A plea of ignorance as to the existence of these Regulations shall not be accepted as an excuse for evasion.
2.2 Members personal information as supplied at application and when registering for the web site forum will be held on computer but not shared with any third party.


  1. The Fishing Season

3.1 Trout fishing, with artificial dry fly only, shall commence on the 1st April and close on 30th September. Only two rainbow trout may be taken away on any one day, all unharmed brown trout to be returned to the water.
3.2 Coarse fishing shall commence on 16th June and close on 14th March following, except on those waters where the requirement for a close season has been lifted. Fisheries exempt from the closed season are:- All still waters (Bellwood, Widmead Complex Rawlings Retreat, Warwicks Water and Palletts pool), and Avington canal. All rivers and other waters not specified are subject to the closed season.
3.2b Pike fishing on all NAA waters is only permitted between 1st October & 15th March (introduced Feb23)
3.3 No coarse fish shall be deliberately killed or removed from the fishery. Capture of fish for sale is not permitted.


  1. Fishing Methods and Practices

4.1 Members are required to comply with the Fisheries Regulations of the Environment Agency and hold a current Environment Agency rod licence where required.
4.2 The only permitted method of fishing is with rod and line. Live fish may not be used as bait.
4.3 Anglers must use an appropriate sized landing net when the circumstances require it.
4.4 When unhooking a fish, anglers must prevent direct contact between the fish and the ground. This may be achieved for example by unhooking in the hand, in a suspended landing net, on an appropriate sized unhooking mat. Unhooking mats must be carried at all times suitable for the target species. (introduced Sept 22)
4.5 Anglers are permitted to use two rods on Collins, Knotts, Dobsons, Palletts Pool, Bellwood, Brimpton Aldermaston, Dixons, Bulls Lock to Widemead Lock and Speen Moors when in possession of a two rod permit. From 1st November to 28th February inclusive specimen permit holders are permitted to fish 2 rods on Willows. (introduced Sept 21)  On Collins Lake, members holding a Specimen Permit may fish 3 Rods from 1st November to 15th March. (introduced Feb 23) On Dixons Lake, members holding a Specimen Permit may fish 3 Rods from 1st November to 15th March. (introduced Oct 23)
4.6 Anglers fishing with a single rod will require a specimen permit to use an additional rod for pike fishing. Both rods may be equipped and baited for pike.When fishing for pike a wire trace of at least 450mm (18 inches) long must be used. Live baiting and Gaffs are strictly prohibited.
4.7 A maximum of two rods only are permitted in each swim even if being fished by two members – except on Collins & Dixons where 3 Rods are permitted between 1st November to 15th March (introduced Feb 23)
4.8 No rod and line may be left unattended in the water. Night lines and eel traps and crayfish traps are prohibited unless authorised by the Committee.
4.9 Fish which have been caught must be handled carefully and returned to the water or placed in a keepnet as quickly as possible. Fish must not be moved or transported in keepnets or any other container. Fish must be returned to the water from which they are caught. It is illegal to move fish between waters without authorisation any unauthorised fish movement will be reported to the appropriate authority
4.10 On all waters carp must not be placed in a keepnet or carp sack, or retained by any other method except during a match or for a short time to allow fish to recover from capture.
4.11 On all waters the use of keepnets is permitted for all fish apart from carp, where appropriate 2 keepnets should be used one for small fish such as roach perch and rudd and another for larger fish such as tench and bream.
4.12 Where a match is due to be fished on a water, anglers must leave that water three hours before the match is scheduled to commence. No other anglers may fish on a water where a match is in progress unless given permission by the Match steward.
4.13 Weighing of fish must only be done in a manner which causes no harm to the fish, for example in a purpose made weighing sack, or landing net, or plastic bag. The fish must be kept out of the water for the least possible time.
4.14 Lead core leaders and safe zone leaders are not permitted on any waters
4.15 A maximum of 4 kilos of bait is allowed per angler on all venues.
4.16 No pre-baiting is allowed on any water between November and February.
4.17 On still waters a swim shall be delimited by the halfway points between the peg and those adjacent on either side. Fishing over halfway on lakes is permitted if:
A) Opposite pegs are vacant on the far bank.
B) If the area on the far side is inaccessible from the far bank.


  1. Guest Tickets

5.1 Guest Tickets, which are only available to Full Members may be obtained from local agents (eg Thatcham Angling). No member may obtain more than one ticket for any one day. (introduced May 22). Members requesting guest tickets must apply to the agent in person and produce their permit. Guest Tickets are not transferable. Guest tickets are valid for 24 hours. Members must accompany their guests at all time and should fish in the same swim or adjacent swims, they shall be held responsible for their guests behaviour. Any disciplinary action may be taken against the member rather than the guest.
5.2 A Non-fishing guest may accompany an Association member without a guest ticket, in which case the Association member shall take full responsibility for the behaviour of said guests, and must accompany the guest at all times and accepts that the member shall be subject to disciplinary action should the guest in question infringe any Association rule or regulation.


  1. Special Requirements Concerning Young People

6.1 All young members under the age of 16 years fishing the Association waters, or on the property of the Association, must be accompanied by a responsible parent or guardian. (changed June 24)
6.2 The responsible adult need not be a member of the Association but can be the young person’s parent or guardian. They may not fish unless they are a member of the Association. Parents or guardians who are members of the Association must fish the same swim or the immediate adjacent swim to the Junior. The Junior must always be in line of site to the responsible adult. (changed June 24)
6.3 Following guidance from the Angling Trust and insurance stipulations regarding safeguarding; NAA now require parents or guardians to give their written consent, stipulating that they are happy for their 16- & 17-year-old minors to night fish without their supervision. (changed June 24)


  1. Parking of Vehicles

7.1 Parking is restricted to the places marked on the Association maps No parking is allowed outside the designated areas
7.2 Parking is allowed at First Bridge, Enborne for disabled members only except on match days. Cars parked at Dobson’s Choice must be parked facing the earth bank or in the designated area between Knotts and Dobsons. No vehicles are to be taken across the Middle Ditch without permission.


  1. Litter

8.1 No litter of any kind must be left. Anglers must remove from the fishery any litter, hooks, line or spent equipment, in or adjacent to their swim whether it is their litter or has been left by others and dispose of it correctly.

  1. Open Fires and Barbecues

9.1 Open fires and barbecues are banned on all Association waters and properties unless specifically authorised by the Committee, and properly organised. Included in the ban is any device or product where the flame or source of heat cannot be switched off safely and immediately with a switch or controller. Small portable stoves where the flame can be switched off safely and immediately are permitted.

10. Specimen fish

10.1 Specimen fish may be reported to members of the Committee or via the club’s email facility.
10.2 If the fish is to be entered into the Specimen Cup or any of the trophies awarded for the largest of a species, the report must be accompanied by a completed Specimen form, available by emailing us at   or notified in writing to a committee member within four weeks of capture. The fish must have been caught on Association water, and be supported by a witness (where present) and a photograph (ideally demonstrating the scale of the fish and the location caught). Entries must be received  by 15th April in any year to be valid for entry. Non-members and Guests may not enter specimen fish for consideration.

  1. Camping and the use of Bivvies

11.1 Bivvies or small tents may be used on Association waters for the pursuit of longer periods of angling. They must be set up so as not to impede the progress or angling activity of any other person using the water. All equipment associated with the bivvy, including trolleys and guy lines must not impinge on or restrict any path or right of way.
11.2 Camping and bivvying for anything other than the pursuit of angling is not allowed on the Association waters or property and bivvies must not be left unattended.

12. Restriction of use of waters

12.1 There may be restrictions placed upon access and use of certain waters for planned works, health and safety or emergency reasons. Details as known at the time shall appear on the annual permit, subsequent restrictions shall be published to the membership through the channels available to the Committee as fully as possible.

13. Sundry regulations

13.1 It is not permitted to ride bicycles or motorcycles on the Association’s fisheries, except where a towpath, bridleway, or road exists and local byelaws allow such activity, or in the pursuit of Association business.
13.2 The use of laser pens is banned on all NAA waters.
13.3 The use of illegal substances is banned on all waters. Responsible us of alcohol is permitted.
13.4 Wading is not permitted on any Lake (introduced Sept 21)
13.5 The use of Drones is not permitted on any NAA water (introduced Jan 22) 13.6 No Braid ,mainlines to be used except for spodding/marking or when predator fishing (introduced Feb 24)
13.7 The “Magic Twig” spring -loaded device (and similar) is banned from all waters. (introduced Feb 24)
13.8  When targeting carp, a sling must be used to transfer any fish perceived to be over 20lbs when returning from net to water. (introduced Feb 24)
13.9  All nets, weigh slings etc must be completely dry before fishing commences (introduced April 24)


1. Name

1.1 The club shall be called NEWBURY ANGLING ASSOCIATION hereinafter referred to as THE ASSOCIATION.

2. Amendments to the Rules

2.1 These are the Rules of the Association effective from June 2023
2.2 The rules shall only be changed through agreement by majority vote of eligible voting members at an Annual General Meeting or at an Extraordinary General Meeting. Any proposal for addition, amendment or rescinding of a rule at the AGM must be delivered in writing to the Secretary by the 31st December, stating the proposition unambiguously. The Secretary shall notify all members of the proposed alteration.

3. Aims and Objectives

3.1 The aims and objectives of the Association shall be:
· To promote the provision, improvement and preservation of the sport of angling within the local community

4. Organisation of the Association

4.1 A President and up to two Vice-Presidents shall be elected each year at the AGM.
4.2The business and affairs of the Association shall be managed by a Management Committee (hereinafter referred to as the Committee).
4.3 The property and assets of the Association shall be vested in Trustees in trust for the membership.

5. Officers of the Association

5.1 The officers of the Association shall be:
• Chairperson
• Vice Chairperson
• Secretary
• Treasurer
• Match Secretary
• Membership Secretary
• Health and Safety Officer • Fishery Manager
• Project Controller
5.2 Officers shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting for a three-year period after which they shall retire but may be eligible for re-election.
5.3 A Head Bailiff will be appointed by the committee and the appointment approved on an annual basis

6. Committee

6.1 There shall be in addition up to a maximum of 9 ordinary members of the Committee, who also have the power to vote at meetings. Ordinary committee members shall be elected at an AGM for up to 3 years. One third of ordinary committee members to retire each year in rotation, at which time they may be eligible for re-election. The Committee may co-opt other members of the Association to fill vacancies or for special purposes.
6.2 The quorum required for business to be agreed at Committee meetings shall be 60% of the elected committee which may include officers and trustees.
6.3 The Committee shall be responsible for adopting new policy, codes of conduct and regulations that affect the
organisation of the Association. The Committee shall make regulations in regard to the use of the Associations fisheries, which may vary on different fisheries. Regulations shall be notified to members in such a way that the Committee shall deem appropriate. Where any question arises over the interpretation of the regulations the Committee shall make a decision which shall then form an interim regulation pending notification to the membership.
6.4 The Committee shall be responsible for disciplinary hearings of members who infringe the club rules/regulations/ codes of conduct. The Committee shall be responsible for taking any action of suspension or discipline following such hearings.
6.5 Committee members are expected to attend all Committee meetings. Failure to attend Committee meetings without sound and acceptable reason may result in de-selection from the committee.
6.6 The Chairperson does not have a vote on any issue raised in Committee but in the event of a tied vote the Chairperson has the casting vote

7. Trustees

7.1 In addition to the Officers and Ordinary Committee Members there shall be a minimum of four and a maximum of six trustees at any time. In the event that a trustee surrenders their position, the Committee shall decide whether they should be replaced, and who shall be proposed in their stead. Trustees shall be full voting members of the Committee.
7.2 The Trustees shall be empowered to purchase all types of property on behalf of the Association, such purchase having previously been approved by the Committee. Trustees shall be further empowered with the consent of the Committee to borrow money for the purposes of the
Association at a rate of interest and against security as approved by the Committee.
7.3 The Trustees shall be selected by the Committee and shall be elected to their post by a majority of the vote of the Committee.
7.4 Trustees shall remain in office until death or resignation or until a proposal to deselect them is placed before an AGM or EGM giving 21 days written notice to do so.

8. Membership

8.1 Membership shall be open to all persons permanently residing at a fixed address within 12 miles of Newbury Clock Tower. Full membership with voting rights shall be granted to members who have reached their 18th birthday at the beginning of validity of the annual membership. Applicants under the age of 18 may become non-voting members if sponsored by a full member and supported by their parent or legal guardian. Provided that membership is continuous, membership may be retained when a member moves outside the 12-mile limit.
8.2 Evidence of identification and residence within the 12-mile radius may be requested in the form of a recent utility bill or other suitable proof of residency.
8.3 Persons resident outside the 12 mile limit may be admitted at the discretion of the Committee.
8.4 Membership shall only be granted on the completion of an application form and with subsequent approval by the Committee. The Committee shall not be required to give any reason for refusal to admit membership.
8.5 All members shall be subject to the rules and regulations of the Association and by joining the club shall be deemed to accept these rules and regulations and any codes of conduct that the Association has adopted.
8.6 The membership permit shall be valid from 16th June to 15th June inclusive. No member shall be allowed to fish in
the Association waters until the membership fee has been paid and the permit obtained. If the permit is not obtained before the end of August the member may be considered to have resigned from the Association and must reapply to rejoin the Association. A member that has been investigated under the disciplinary procedure may be asked to reapply for membership in the year following the investigation.
8.7 Members shall be enrolled in one of the following categories:
• Senior member (men & ladies eligible for a full rod licence)
• Pensioner member (men and ladies eligible for a concessionary rod licence)
• Pensioner over 75 (men and ladies over 75 years of age) • Disabled members (all people over 12 years old and
holding a concessionary rod licence)
• Junior member (eligible for a junior rod licence)
• Junior member (under 12 years not required to hold a rod licence)
• Honorary Life member. (any person who has been granted honorary membership for life)
• Associate member (men and ladies eligible for a full rod licence and residing more than 12 miles from Newbury)
• Associate OAP Member (men and ladies eligible for concessionary rod licence and residing more than 12
miles from Newbury)
8.8 Associate membership may be granted subject to the following conditions:
i) Associate membership is granted at the discretion of the Committee.
ii) The Associate member is subject to the same rules and regulations as a voting member, but has no voting rights, is unable to hold office.
iii) The Associate permit is renewable by invitation after the 5
AGM each year, is not automatically granted and is not transferable.

  1. Fees

9.1 All Membership fees shall rise by a minimum of £2 per annum or the rate of inflation which ever is the greater or be determined at the Annual General Meeting following a formal resolution which may be included in the agenda for the AGM.
9.2 An Entry Fee shall accompany each application for membership of the Association where applicable and shall be paid prior to fishing.

10. Finance

10.1 All association monies shall be banked in accounts held in the name of the Association.
10.2 The Treasurer shall advise on the strategic management of the funds of the Association to maximise the benefit to the Association on behalf of the committee.
10.3 Any cheques drawn against Association funds should hold the signatures of a minimum of three signatories as registered with the bank or payments made by a method authorised by the committee and recorded in the minutes.
10.4 The Committee may authorise honoraria at their discretion to officers of the Association, the sums of which shall be agreed in meetings of the Committee and clearly shown in the Association’s annual accounts.
10.5 The treasurer shall reimburse any reasonable expenses incurred by members in the undertaking of the business of the Association, calling upon the Committee for approval where appropriate.

11. Annual General Meetings (AGM) and Extraordinary General Meetings (EGM)

11.1 Notice of the AGM shall be given by the Association
Secretary. Not less than 21 clear days notice to be given to all members. The AGM shall usually be held in the month of April
11.2 The AGM may receive a report from officers of the Committee and will receive a statement of the accounts.
11.3 Nominations for officers of the Committee shall be sent to the Secretary at least 21 days prior to the AGM.
11.4 The Committee has the right to call an EGM outside the AGM. Procedures for EGMs shall be the same as for the AGM.
11.5 An EGM may also be called at the request of thirty full members by written notice to the Secretary. The request must be made via the Secretary who shall follow the appropriate procedures

12. Identification and Guests

12.1 Permits, identity cards and valid guest tickets must be carried at all times on the Association fisheries and must be produced at the request of another member or Association Bailiff. In the event that a person cannot produce proof of membership they will be asked to leave the fishery. Fishing and non-fishing guests must be accompanied at all times. Identity cards should hold a photograph that is a reasonable likeness of the member.

13. Discipline and appeals

13.1 Failure of members to comply with the Rules or Regulations, or behaviour which may bring the Association into disrepute or expose the Association to adverse action, may result in disciplinary action against the member. Failure of a Committee member to fulfil their job commitment or to maintain appropriate standards of behaviour may result in disciplinary action against the Committee Member. All complaints regarding the behaviour of members must be submitted in writing to the Secretary. Plaintiffs and defendants have the right to put their case in a scheduled or special meeting convened by the Committee.
13.2 The Committee shall on receipt of a complaint, appoint a disciplinary panel to begin inquiries with a view to holding a formal disciplinary meeting within 40 days of a complaint being lodged. The member against who the complaint has been made can either attend the meeting in person or submit evidence in writing they may also bring another person to support their case. The disciplinary panel will consider the evidence and report to the Committee and a course of disciplinary action determined this may include a warning, temporary ban or the termination of membership.
13.3 The outcome of a disciplinary hearing should be notified in writing to the person who lodged the complaint and the member against whom the complaint was made within 14 days of a decision being made.
13.4 Following the decision being notified to the member there shall be the right of appeal to the full Committee. The committee should consider the appeal within 40 days of the Secretary receiving the appeal.

14 Liability.

14.1 The Committee shall ensure that the Association is at all times insured with a reputable insurance company against any third party of public liability with a minimum level of cover of 2 million pounds covering all claims against the Association and members who are going about the authorised business of the Association.
14.2 A copy of the policy shall be made available to any member on written request.

15. Dissolution

15.1 If at any general meeting of the Association a resolution is passed calling for the dissolution of the club, The Secretary shall immediately convene a EGM to be held not less than one month thereafter to discuss and vote on the resolution.
15.2 If at that EGM the resolution is carried by at least two thirds of the voting members present , the Committee shall thereupon or on a date specified in the resolution, proceed to realise the assets of the Association and discharge all debts and liabilities.
15.3 After discharging all liabilities the remaining assets shall not be paid or distributed amongst the members but shall be given or transferred to some other voluntary organisation having objectives similar to those of the Association.